“Two Graves,” by Anberlin+ Anberlin Fall Songs Playlist, Friday, October 6, 2023
Sticking with my theme this year of breaking Anberlin ’s discography into seasonal listening, I should have started last month with “ Breaking ,” the song that, for me, announced that fall is here. Yes, I first heard the song at Cornerstone when the band performed it, and I got a demo version of it on the New Surrender USB bracelet preorder, but when the album was released in September I had left for college, and I associated the new energy of the fall with that album. The band played a recorded version of “ Two Graves ” during their August 2021 livestream Under a Dying Sun in which they performed Lowborn in its entirety. The single was released in late September that year, and the heavy rock sound gave me Halloween vibes. I decided to design the fall Anberlin playlist with the contrasting beautiful autumn days, spooky nights, and becoming more and more bleak as we approach winter. Happy listening! Listen on Spotify.