
Showing posts with the label Demon Hunter

“My Heartstrings Come Undone” by Demon Hunter, Saturday, February 13, 2021

I’d like to imagine Ryan Clark sitting in freshman English class passing a love letter to some gothic girl, only to have the note intercepted. Perhaps the teacher had been lecturing on a short story by Edgar Allen Poe, and was rudely interrupted by the rustling of paper passed through the aisles of desks. The teacher resembles the late Alan Rickman and he reads the letter, muttering in his gravelly Severus Snape voice. "You see class," he speaks up, "if you want the opposite sex to fall for you, a writer doesn't merely say, 'I will love you to death.' The writer uses more vivid language to express the intentions of his heart." Young Ryan Clark took this as a challenge and wrote the gothic love song that appears in my 2021 February Playlist. IT'S BURIED DEEP WITHIN THE PAST. In early April of my Junior year, my school went on a mission trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee. We did a lot of driving and listened to a lot of music during that time. Many of m

"Dead Flowers (Resurrected)" by Demon Hunter, Friday, January 29, 2021

"I wore my Demon Hunter patch on every mission. I wore it when I blasted bin Laden. So, yes, in essence Demon Hunter did, in fact, hunt a demon" ( Fuse ).  In 2019 when Demon Hunter released their two albums War and Peace , they encapsulated the two sounds battling for this band's fandom. One one had, they are a fierce metal band and on the other hand, they love to write a dark ballad ballad for every album, which usually becomes their radio hit. The fandom around this band is intense. The opening quote from the Navy Seals on the team that killed Osama bin Laden listened to the band. Frontman Ryan Clark has stated multiple times that the logo and branding of Demon Hunter proceeded the band. And as one of the most influential graphic designers in Tooth & Nail album design (and mainstream rock for that matter), branding and style are everything.  REBORN. Music in the 2021 is great for old bands. They can capitalize on their fans and play old music online and stream i