"Cadence" by anberlin, Wednesday, November 1, 2023 (repost)
" Cadence " was the third single from Anberlin . Vocalist Stephen Christian talks about the band overhearing him playing the song on an acoustic guitar one day. Thinking the song was too mellow for Anberlin, he thought the song would be better suited for his solo project, Anchor & Braille , but t he band loved the song and placed it as the penultimate track on their debut record, Blueprints for the Black Market . The song is inspired by Christian's time in college when he roomed with his brother, Paul. The brothers talked about life, philosophy, relationships, and God, and the song was a culmination of those late-night conversations. The song features some of the best drumming on the record. Before the band's livestream of the album Nathan Young , who was fifteen at the time of recording Blueprints, tells a story about how producer Aaron Sprinkle 's brother Jesse , drummer of Poor Old Lu ...