"Strange Town" by Neon Horse, Monday 25, 2021
When Neon Horse appeared on Tooth & Nail 's roster in 2007, the label gave no information about the band. The concept of the band was like The Gorillaz: a studio band that had no intention of touring. Also like The Gorillaz, Neon Horse's aesthetic was cartoon drawings. However, keen listeners quickly recognized the vocal talents of Mark Salomon, who had been the vocalist for metal group The Crucified in '80s and of the Active Rock band Stavesacre in the '90s. Salomon shot a video for the band's first single, "Cuckoo!" and it was also confirmed that Jason Martin, vocalist and guitarist of Starflyer 59 and Steven Dail bassist of Project 86 were involved. There have also been rumors that Martin's brother Ronnie of Joy Electric played the keys and synths on the record. Neon Horse had two eerie albums, and today's song was the lead single from the band's sophomore album, Haunted Horse: Songs of Love, Defiance, and Delusion. PLAYING IN THE MIDDL...