
“Like Steps in a Dance” by Anchor & Braille, Wednesday, April 21, 2021

  Anchor & Braille has been Anberlin 's lead singer Stephen Christian 's side project for a while. Some of Anberlin's songs started out as Anchor & Braille songs. In 2009, Christian collaborated with Aaron Marsh and a few other hometown musicians including Louis DeFabrizio of Gasoline Heart and released A&B's debut record Felt , an album that feels like if Christian were the lead singer of Copeland somewhere between their In Motion and Eat, Sleep,   Repeat releases. Anchor and Braille's sound would very greatly over their occasional four albums as well as the make up of the 'band' would just become Stephen Christian collaborating in the studio with other musicians. I have yet to listen to 2020's Tension  from start to finish, but of the three albums, Felt feels the best. You can tell that it's the same singer of Cities and Never Take Friendship Personal struggling relationships.  SHE MAKES THREATS I HOPE THAT SHE SEES THROUGH. Felt

“Disappearing World” by Fair, Thursday, April 20, 2021

  In the story of Tooth & Nail Records , which became the definitive Christian Rock label in the early ‘00s, Aaron Sprinkle became the main producer for record after record for the label. Sprinkle is not only responsible for producing records, he also stylized bands and artists who would have otherwise been nothing alike. So, when he we wasn’t busy launching successful bands into the scene, what was he doing in his free time? Sprinkle recorded a number of solo records and two with his band, Fair . Sprinkle’s solo efforts were never as successful as the bands he recorded, and life in the studio took a toll on the musical genius. WHERE IS IT THAT YOUR PEACE COMES FROM? " Disappearing World " was the only hit from this 2010 album named after the title track.. Whenever Fair--three of Sprinkle's friends from his previous band, Poor Old Lu--put out a project, it was a limited release. One single to Christian radio, maybe a video, maybe a couple of local shows. And then

“Bang, Bang” (My Baby Shot Me Down) by Daniela Andrade, Monday, April 19, 2021

  This is the story of three women and how they interpreted their interpretation of a dream pop classic. The version I chose is a cover, which resembles a cover of this song. Until today, I thought that this song was a Nancy Sinatra original. Played in the opening scene of Kill Bill Vol. 1 , the Bride is shot and left for dead outside a dusty El Paso chapel. This scene kicks off an other delicious installment of Tarantino 's brand of gratuitous violence and overall badassery that the filmmaker is known for. However, if we're looking for the original tune, think a little more sixties psychedelia with more instrumentation. Finally, the version that goes to the YouTube playlist, by a YouTube-famous Canadian-Honduran singer, Daniela Andrade . This song with its simple song structure and easy lyrics, packs a lot of heat. I WAS FIVE AND HE WAS SIX. Written by her husband, Sonny Bono , "Bang Bang" (My Baby Shot Me Down) was one of Cher ’sfirst hits, and her first platinum

"Hero" by Family of the Year, Sunday, April 18, 2021

The 2014 film Boyhood was a highly acclaimed film with an incredible Rotten Tomatoes score, yet nobody talks about it anymore. The film was shot over the course of 12 years from 2001 to 2013 using the same actors and feels like a piece of turn-of-the-century Americana, a kind of early 2000s rendering of a Norman Rockwell painting of the imperfect white, working-class American family. The film not only explores boyhood and coming of age, but also parenthood and the complications of raising a family while trying to better oneself and the struggles of co-parenting through a divorce. The events and pop culture throughout the years are woven into the human themes. The soundtrack for the film is a combination of famed indie artists of the early '00s and popular music of the time. Seamlessly joining the soundtrack was virtually unknown folk-rock band Family of the Year , with their song " Hero ." I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR HERO . "Hero" appears in the movie toward t

“Holy Water” by The Classic Crime, Saturday, April 17, 2021

  When Emery 's Matt Carter and T oby Morrell started their blog BadChristian  in 2013, they started out as a Calvinist alternative to what was considered Good Christian theology which carried over to religious entertainment and eventually led to exploring other world views, theories, and discussions often considered taboo to church folks. The blog turned into a podcast, a listeners' community, and even a record label, which released albums by Emery, Kings Kaleidoscope, Abandon Kansas, Sherwood, House of Heroes, Lowercase Noises, and today's band, The Classic Crime, whose frontman Matt McDonald is a friend of the show and former podcaster. The albums released on the BadChristian label showed an alliance in Christian Rock. No longer was Focus on the Family or the Family Christian Bookstore (RIP) going to determine what was holy and what was profane.  EVERY DROP OF HOLY WATER COMES FROM THE OCEAN. The evolution of The Classic Crime is quite fascinating, as told on the Lab

“Death with Dignity” (Live) by Sufjan Stevens, Friday, April 16, 2021

  In 2015, Sufjan Stevens released his saddest album. The songs on  Carrie & Lowell give listeners insight into the folk singer's upbringing and his process of dealing with the grief of losing an abusive parent. Stevens' mother Carrie had passed away in 2012 from cancer, and "Death with Dignity," the album opener, finds the lyricist struggling for the words to tell the story. He says "I don't know where to begin," showing how something deeply personal is hardest to talk about. The song structure is unique in that there is no chorus, but rather five verses--this is a fact I never noticed in all the times I listened to the song before I wrote about it last year. "Death with Dignity" is best in the context of the entire album, but if you don't have the time to dive into the depths of sorrow, the song is a sweet twinge of sadness to throw into an otherwise happy playlist.  AMETHYST AND FLOWERS ON THE TABLE. I was on the fence about the 2016

“Panic Switch” by Silversun Pickups, Thursday, April 15, 2021

  Shoegaze  is a sub-genre of rock music that employs heavy distorted guitars to create what is called a "wall of sound." Shoegaze came out of psychedelic rock and often creates a hypnotic effect. Not every group that uses "the wall of sound" is necessarily a shoegazer act, but some bands that have famously used this effect are  Oasis ,  The Verve , and the  Smashing Pumpkins . The etymology of  "shoegazing" is said to be a description of the guitarists of these bands because they mostly stared at their shoes. While music critics don't often place  Silversun Pickups  in the subgenre of Shoegaze, what else would  you classify their 2009 hypnotic hit " Panic Switch "? IT'S NEVER WORTH MY TIME . Silversun Pickups topped the Alternative Rock chart with this song. Released in 2009, their sophomore album  Swoon   challenged my 2001 Corolla's stereo in all the right ways between home and school. The band drew controversy when they were nomin