“My Heart Escapes” by Blindside, Friday, November 24, 2023
In 2011, Blindside released their first album in six years, With Shivering Hearts We Wait . The album followed the band’s experimental 2007 Black Rose EP, which contained new songs and live tracks from the band’s 2005 record The Great Depression . The band’s 2005 record was a sonic departure from the band’s refined sound on their Elektra Records-released and Howard-Benson -produced Silence and About a Burning Fire . The sparse production and instrumentation and the gloomy lyrics of The Great Depression deterred fans, but Black Rose brought some back. By the time the band released their sixth record, With Shivering Hearts We Wait, anticipation couldn’t be higher for fans who hadn’t forgotten about the band. THE BREATH OF RAIN IN MY LUNGS. With the return of Howard Benson, With Shivering Hearts We Wait is a natural follow-up to About a Burning Fire . While Fire is a heavier album than Hearts, the guitars sound fuller with Benson behind the boards compared to their fifth a...