"Vampire Spy Film" by Lovedrug, Sunday, October 31, 2021
Michael Shepard was in a band called Kerith Ravine , which dissolved in 2001. Shepherd explains the name of his next band when he gave up music to attend film school. He found that he couldn't give up on music, and his love of it "dragged him back," hence, his new band was called Lovedrug . The band signed with The Militia Group , and their first album, Pretend You're Alive , brought the band in talks with Columbia Records alongside with fellow Militia Group band Copeland . However, Columbia underwent restructuring after signing Lovedrug and Copeland. The label shifted from the indie-wave of the early '00s to more sure-thing artists of the late '00s. Somewhat defeated, Lovedrug revisited their contract with The Militia Group and released their second LP, Everything Starts Where It Ends , which spun a college-radio single, " Happy Poison Apple ." But by the time it was time to promote their third album, The Sucker-Punch Show , The Militia Group had ...