“Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol, Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Repost+ (Romantic Mix '23)
The second single from the 2006 album Eyes Open after the album opener and rocker, "You're All I Have," "Chasing Cars" is the most recognized song by Snow Patrol. The band's frontman and songwriter Gary Lightbody said that he wrote the song after sobering up after a white wine binge in the garden of producer Jacknife Lee's cottage. Lightbody told Rolling Stone that "Chasing Cars" is "the purest love song I've ever written. There's no knife-in-the-back twist." He stated that "all the other songs I've written have a dark edge." While the song and video for "Chasing Cars" don't have a dark side, the connotation the song has with dramas like Grey's Anatomy and One Tree Hill certainly wields the knife so carefully left out by the songwriter.
LET'S WASTE TIME CHASING CARS. Here's an updated Romantic Mix from last year. I'll add to it from time to time so that it's not just rebranded from last year.
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