“The Sound” by The 1975, Monday, July 31, 2023
It’s been an interesting year for The 1975 , to say the least. While frontman Matty Healy ’s habit of shit-posting and provocative goofball answers in interviews had been a norm for the band, polarizing fans of the band, earlier this year Healy’s alleged relationship with Taylor Swift made the band even higher profile. While the two are (supposedly) no longer romantically entangled, last week Healy’s controversial antics made global news headlines again. I CAN’T BELIEVE I FORGOT YOUR NAME. Last weekend, Matty Healy and the 1975 had a festival in Malaysia canceled and the band, including Healy, was banned from the country. The reason had to do with protesting the country's controversial anti-LGBTQ+ laws. Following a rant about the laws put in place by the country's Muslim majority, Healy took bandmate Ross MacDonald and kissed the band's bassist. Reactions around the world to Healy and the company's protest have been mixed. First to criticize the band was Malaysia...