“Chapstick” by COIN (repost), Tuesday, January 23, 2024
I DON’T WANT YOUR LEATHER JACKET. COIN creates a concept album about a robot learning how to love on their latest record, Uncanny Valley. The lead single, “Chapstick,” the band talked about being inspired by a 2017 documentary called AlphaGo about Google’s successful attempt to create Artificial Intelligence to dominate the game of Go--a game similar to chess, only most popular in East Asia. The music and the lyrics of the song feel like they have been developed by A.I. Not in the way that anyone can type into ChatGPT with a prompt: “Write a song about … .” Instead, it feels like earlier iterations of the program. The lines make analogies and create metaphors that don’t land. “I wanna taste your chapstick” feels creepy, but it also seems like it’s almost a line from a pop song--it probably is. But when the surrounding words make little sense, the line is especially uncanny. Today’s song is actually not creepy at all. The robot voice in music has been around since the ‘80s. Nonsense lyrics have been around since a two-year-old started babbling along to his dad’s record collection, singing what he thought he heard. But the implication of what’s to come in art should give us all an uncanny feeling.
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