“Smells Like Me” by Charlie Puth, Wednesday, February 28, 2024 (repost)
Every song on Charlie Puth’s third record, Charlie, deals with heartbreak and rejection. “Smells Like Me” is no exception. The idea of the song, Puth revealed on Twitter, is that the song is “about when you think of the person you were with for so long having sex with someone new but with they’re wearing clothes that smell like you still while they….” It’s a song about passive-aggressive revenge, a hope that even though the romance is over, the two are still biologically linked for a time. The speaker of the song hopes that the scent he left on his former lover distracts her, though she’s moved on. Rather than pontificate on this theme more, I’d like to introduce my Heartbreak Mix to Apple Music. These break-up songs might hit just right during one of those wrong times. Cheer up!
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