“Cherry Blossom Ending” (벚꽃엔딩) by Busker Busker (버스커버스커), Tuesday, April 5, 2022
When moving to another country, it's important to try many new things and fully immerse yourself in the culture. The number of new experiences you get within the first months will prove invaluable to your adaptation. That being said, even the most culturally open people will feel a little homesick. In August, I will have lived in South Korea for ten years, and has the time flown! But as the cherry blossoms start to fall, I'm reminded of what made me love this country, and how I had to adapt. It may be best tied to an album by a three-piece pop band of busking young men from a university in Cheonan, South Korea. This is my story with Busker Busker . TODAY, LET’S WALK ON THIS STREET . Busker Busker formed when singer-songwriter Jang Beom-june and bassist Kim Hyung-tae joined an English instructor teaching at their university, Brad Moore as the band’s drummer. The band previously performed under the moniker Pinky Pinky, but when the band’s drummer went to serve in the country’s ...