Year of the Tiger Playlist: songs [loosely] about cats including "Say So" by Doja Cat ft. Nicki Minaj, Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Amala Ratana Zandile Dlamini was b orn to a Jewish mother and a Zulu father, who, according to him returned to South Africa in hopes of his family following him, but according to Dlamini, a.k.a Doja Cat , he abandoned his family. Doja Cat produced music on Soundcloud at the beginning of her career. In 2019, her single " Say So ," today's representative song topped the Billboard Hot 100 . What the hell is a doja cat? I thought. I certainly was getting too old to keep up with pop music. Turns out, three years later, "Say So," is hella catchy. And with an interesting Wikipedia page full of lived experience, I wonder if there's a little treasure in a discography that, to me, originally just sounded like music for cats in heat. Time will tell. YOU AIN'T COMIN' OUT YOUR SHELL. We're entering another playlist-heavy month, and to kick it off, I'm sharing my AppleMusic playlist I created several years ago about cats. Why cats? It was kind of a gift ...