“Wasted Nights” by Acceptance, Monday, April 8, 2024 (repost)
When Acceptance released "Cold Air, " in the summer of 2020, I was immediately taken by the catchy, '80s New-Wave electronica meets The Outfield -style harmonies sung by lead singer Jason Vena . However, the rest of the album failed to pack the punch that their 2005 debut and 2017 sophomore record had. Acceptance had become known for their lyricism, Vena's near-perfect execution in his mid-to-high range vocals, and often haunting/ mysterious guitar parts--all mixed and produced by Aaron Sprinkle . However, what Wild, Free offered was clipped guitars, electronics, and gruffer vocal takes by Vena. There were certainly some highlights, but other than "Cold Air," there hasn't been much to come back to--except for a song that got stuck in my head today: "Wasted Nights." I THINK WE MET AROUND THE FIRST OF MAY. Billy Power had an interesting interview with Jason Vena back in 2015, in which Vena talks about how his first ma...