
Believer by Cyn, January 5, 2021

 "T homas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.'” (John 20:28, 29) MISSIONARY POSITIONS: Before work, I listened to this song and then I overheard a conversation at work. I work with two very different coworkers. I will call them Philosopher and Church Lady. They normally are civil to each other, but there are times that they can be slightly antagonistic about their beliefs. Today was one of those days. The discussion somehow came upon similarities between Buddhism and Jesus's teachings. The Philosopher said, "There's talk that Jesus spent some of his years in India." To which, Church Lady said flatly, "No, the Bible doesn't say that." "But some people believe this..." "They're wrong. The Bible is clear." "No, it's not. What happened during the missing years?" "Jesus went to the tem

“Futures” by Jimmy Eat World, Monday, January 4, 2021

Let’s call this part two of yesterday’s  post . I’d like to quote a few lines and dissect  them . This is my view imposed on the song.  "Why is it so hard to find the balance/ between the cold and real?"  I started to think of this song as the futures contract market. I don’t really have a mind for economics, but as far as I can tell the futures contracts are bid on in hopes that the venture will make money and that the economy will be good. But it doesn't always work out, like the housing crisis in 2008 or the current pandemic. Future markets bid on the fact that the economy is going to be as good as it is as the time the venture starts. Throw in a few misguided or bad actors who have access to our pension and retirement funds (Enron?) and we get ourselves into a real problem.  HOPE FOR BETTER, IN NOVEMBER . I get very depressed whenever I think about money. My generation is pretty screwed and all I can rely on is keeping a job and making the payments to pay off my stude

Age -From the Airport January 3, 2021

From the Airport is a South Korean electronic rock duo, consisting of vocalist Milo and guitarist Zee. About 90% of their songs are in English. They have two full-length records and they seemed to have disappeared after the release of 2017's The Boy Who Jumped .   Drawing a comparison of this band is difficult. They definitely have pop influences. The keys and the guitar production is atmospheric, causing a pensive nature in the songs, yet Milo's lyrics, while often simple, are positive and combined with his vocal pattern and high-range vocals keep the songs light and optimistic. It's like if Falling Up were less moody and poppier.  WISDOM SHALL SHOW.  I picked this song for a few reasons. First, it struck me as I was walking home today. I like to pick a song for the day that I listened to authentically, like it came up naturally on shuffle; however, that doesn't always happen. Another reason was that I wanted to write about this band and introduce them. But the bigges

"I Will Rest in You"-Jaci Valesquez January 2, 2021

  Streams is a unique Contemporary Christian concept album from 1999. Featuring nine songs with some of the Christian music industry's forefront artists at the time and a couple of head-scratchers from Classic rock including Michael MacDonald (The Doobie Brothers), Jon Anderson (Yes), and a song written by Peter Gabriel. I bought this album for my mom, who loved the Jon Anderson/4Him duet. There are few songs from this album I still listen to, even though my musical diet only consists of CCM when I listen to Good Christian Fun. The production of this album is amazing. It seems that this kind of album is a pause in the so-called culture war. Evil rock musicians laid down their Satanic lyrics of anarchy and the heavenly choir of saints,  in a lapse of judgement, succumbed to the the New Age message of unity and created an album to deceive the very, I don't actually believe any other that, but it's something I may have heard from the crazy church people growing up. 

"New Year's Day" by U2, Friday, January 1, 2021

U2's third album, War, brought the band a number 1 album in the UK, dethroning the King of Pop's Thriller . Previously the band wrote songs about growing up and spirituality, but, according to lead singer Bono, "War seemed the be the motif in 1982." Hence, the band released War on February 28, 1983. Many of the tracks on the album were inspired by the socio-political issues in the band's home country of Ireland, namely The Troubles, the conflict between Catholics and Protestants physically dividing the island. However, the album delves into other political subjects in a time when the world seemed divided during the Cold War. And this '80s zeitgeist album seems all the more relevant today. I WILL BE WITH YOU AGAIN.    Prior to the album's release, U2 issued their first single on January 1, 1983, what would be the third track on their breakthrough album. The Post-Punk, New Wave keyboards meeting the now signature delayed, clicky guitars of David Howell Evans


 Before we start the 2021 NewYearsDay Project, you may want to see the playlists for the last two years. 2019 doesn't have playlists for all months as the project failed that year. All playlists are in Apple Music and some of the songs may not be on Apple Music because I found the songs on YouTube instead. 2019                                                                     2020             January   ( AppleMusic )                    January      ( AppleMusic )  February   ( AppleMusic )                  February      ( AppleMusic ) March       ( AppleMusic )                   March           ( AppleMusic )  April                                                        April           ( AppleMusic )  May                                                           May           ( AppleMusic )  June          ( AppleMusic )                     June           ( AppleMusic )  July                                                           July           ( AppleMusic )  August     ( Appl

What is the NewYearsDay Project?

I am setting out for the year of 2021 to create a 365 song playlist. I'm currently experimenting in the year 2020 with formats and genres. The songs are based on my feeling for the day, commemorating a day based on the lyrics, songs fitting into a particular season, or simply the most notable song I listened to that day. My blog NewYearsDay Project  comes from the first song of every year, " New Years Day " by U2. The idea was to make a playlist of songs that puts the listener in the mood for the month. I'll leave links for my general monthly playlist and the specific playlists from last year.  You can expect to see an eclectic mix of music. You'll hear everything from folk to hardcore to pop. My goal is not to be up on the latest releases; however, sometimes they may make to my list. Before I start the NewYearsProject I should lay down a few confines I'll try to adhere to.  1) One main artist per month. For example one anberlin song per month. 2) An artist m